What is OpenACC?
It is a directive based standard to allow developers to take advantage of accelerators such as GPUs from NVIDIA and AMD, Intel's Xeon Phi (via CAPS compilerconversion to OpenCL), FPGAs, and even DSP chips.
OpenACC compiler directives are code annotations that enable the compiler to parallelise code while ensuring thread-safety. The big difference between OpenACC and the existing OpenMP standard is that OpenACC primarily targets the GPU rather than CPU, whereas OpenMP is generally CPU only. That said, OpenACC can also target the CPU so it is flexible; the idea is that it will adapt to the target system.
Programming Model
OpenACC provides a fairly rich pragma language to annotate data location, data transfer, and loop or code block parallelism. The syntax of OpenACC pragmas (sometimes referred to as OpenACC directives) is:
#pragma acc directive-name [clause [[,] clause]…] new-line
!$acc directive-name [clause [[,] clause]…] new-line
Directives are:
Programmer identifies a loop as having parallelism, compiler generates a parallel kernel for that loop.
C/C++ #pragma acc parallel [clause [,clause]…] new-line structured block
Fortran !$acc parallel [clause [[,] clause]…] new-line
The main clauses for the #pragma acc parallel
directive are:
( condition)async
(operator:list) copy
(list) create
(list) firstprivate
C/C++ | Fortran |
#pragma acc parallel loop for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i]; } | $!acc parallel loop do i=1,n y(i) = a*x(i)+y(i) enddo $!acc end parallel loop |
The kernels construct expresses that a region may contain parallelism and the compiler determines what can safely be parallelized.
C/C++ #pragma acc kernels [clause [,clause]…] new-line structured block
Fortran !$acc kernels [clause [[,] clause]…] new-line
!$acc kernels do i=1,n !loop 1 a(i) = 0.0 b(i) = 1.0 c(i) = 2.0 end do do i=1,n !loop 2 a(i) = b(i) + c(i) end do !$acc end kernels
The data construct defines a region of code in which GPU arrays remain on the GPU and are shared among all kernels in that region.
C/C++ #pragma acc data [clause [,clause]…] new-line structured block
Fortran !$acc data [clause [[,] clause]…] new-line
!$acc data do i=1,n a(i) = 0.0 b(i) = 1.0 c(i) = 2.0 end do do i=1,n a(i) = b(i) + c(i) end do !$acc end data
copy (list) | Allocates memory on GPU and copies data from host to GPU when entering region and copies data to the host when exiting region |
copyin ( list ) | Allocates memory on GPU and copies data from host to GPU when entering region |
copyout ( list ) | Allocates memory on GPU and copies data to the host when exiting region |
create ( list ) | Allocates memory on GPU but does not copy |
present ( list ) | Data is already present on GPU from another containing data region |
We use PGI compiler. First we load the compiler using module:
$ module load pgi
To compile C/C++:
$ pgcc –acc [-Minfo=accel] [-ta=tesla] –o saxpy_acc saxpy.c
To compile for Fortran:
$ pgf90 –acc [-Minfo=accel] [-ta=tesla] –o saxpy_acc saxpy.f90
Simple SAXPY program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void saxpy(int n, float a, float *restrict x, float *restrict y) { #pragma acc parallel loop for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i]; } int main(void) { const int n = 1 << 20; float *x = new float[n]; float *y = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { x[i] = (float)i / (float)n; y[i] = (float)i; // Perform SAXPY on 1M elements saxpy(1<<20, 2.0, x, y); } }
$ pgcc -acc -fast -ta=tesla -Minfo=accel saxpy.c -o acc_saxpy.pgi.exe saxpy: 7, Generating implicit copyin(x[:n]) Generating implicit copy(y[:n]) 8, Loop is parallelizable Accelerator kernel generated Generating Tesla code 8, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
Run on GPU node
./saxpy.pgi.exe saxpy NVIDIA devicenum=0 time(us): 1,322 7: compute region reached 1 time 8: kernel launched 1 time grid: [8192] block: [128] device time(us): total=68 max=68 min=68 avg=68 elapsed time(us): total=579 max=579 min=579 avg=579 7: data region reached 2 times 7: data copyin transfers: 2 device time(us): total=835 max=427 min=408 avg=417 10: data copyout transfers: 1 device time(us): total=419 max=419 min=419 avg=419
Run on GPU node using SGE
#!/bin/bash #$ -N test_openacc #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -q tesla.q ### load PGI module load pgi ### Instrument execution export PGI_ACC_TIME=1 ./myACCProgram
Submit to SGE
$ qsub acc.sge
For short execution, you can use gputest.q
$ qsub -q gputest.q acc.sge
We are used Matrix Multiply to compare execution of four executions.
Compilation level used is -03
Problem Size | OpenACC | OpenMP 8 cores (PGI) | Intel Compiler 8 cores |
1024 | 0.5s | 2.7s | 0.2s |
2048 | 1.03s | 24s | 2s |
4096 | 4.0s | 2m43s | 15s |
5120 | 6.7s | 4mn32 | 30s |
6144 | 10s | 7mn49 | 50s |