This document is intended for new users of the service. It gives information on such basics as how to log in, how to run application and where to get help.
Computation Workflow on the HPC
A typical Computation workflow will be:
Once your account is created you need to connect to the cluster to change your password.
You can show the characteristic of each cluster here.
Example, connect and change password:
$ ssh
And then:
$ passwd
The easiest way to connect to the cluster is by using SSH protocol. Windows users can use PuTTY.
However you can use X2GO client, a powerful graphical user interface to run interactive applications like matlab on
, sftp
or other graphical applications (based on ssh) like : winscp, filezella, …
Once connected each user will have a home directory organized as follow :
: this is the home directory, total allowed size: 10GBWORK
: Computation and software must be Started from here, total allowed size: 1TBRead more here
Several software are installed on the clusters. You can show them by :
$ module avail
This will show the list of software installed and their version.
the output looks like this :
$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /Softs/lumiere-modules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bio/bamtools/2.3.0 bio/t-coffee/default intel/14.0.2(default) lang/java/1.8 lib/libreadline/6.2 numlib/armadillo/icc/6.300.2 tools/gama/1.6.1 bio/bcftools/1.1 bio/velvet/1.2.09 intel/15.0.3 lang/ocaml/4.00.0 lib/libxml2/2.8.0 numlib/fftw/gcc/3.3.4 tools/gate/6.2 bio/beagle/1.1.0 castem/2015 intel/icc/2013_sp1.2.144 lang/perl/5.12.3 lib/libxml2/2.9.1 numlib/fftw/icc/3.3.4 tools/git/2.1.2 bio/bwa/0.7.12 comsol/3.5a intel/icc/2015.3.187 lang/pgi64/15.7 lib/libxml2/2.9.2 numlib/gsl/1.15 tools/h5utils/1.12.1 bio/cdhit/4.6.4 comsol/4.0 intel/ifort/2013_sp1.2.144 lang/pgi64/2015 lib/ncurses/5.9 numlib/openblas/0.2.15 tools/mercurial/2.5.2 bio/emboss/6.6.0 comsol/4.1 intel/ifort/2015.3.187 lang/python/2.6.5 lib/pteros/2.0 numlib/petsc/3.6.3 tools/mercurial/2.7.2 bio/exabayes-mpi/1.2.1 comsol/4.2 [root@mesocomte0 ~]#
You view the software installed in category, for example for languages (lang):
$ module avail lang
Another way to know if a software is installed or not :
$ module avail softwarename
For example, let's see if matlab is installed:
$ module avail matlab ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matlab/r2010b matlab/r2011b matlab/r2012a matlab/r2012b
Say we need to use matlab, we first need to load matlab/r2012b in our environment, this is done by:
$ module load matlab/r2012b
and then launch matlab:
$ matlab
to unload module
$ module rm softwareName
Jobs are submitted to the compute nodes via the Sun Grid Engine (SGE) batch submission system. Basic SGE batch scripts should conform to the following template:
#!/bin/bash #$ -M # Email address for job notification #$ -m abe # Send mail when job begins, ends and aborts #$ -pe put_here_pe 12 # Specify parallel environment and legal core size #$ -q put_here_queue # Specify queue #$ -N job_name # Specify job name module load xyz # Required modules ./foo # run Application
qsub jobscript.sge
is the script that you have prepared.
These files will be stored in the directory you submitted the jobs from if you use the -cwd option, and in your home directory otherwise. The names are constructed from the name of the job script, .o
for output or .e
for errors, and the job number. So the command above might create files such as '' and '' where 12345
is the number that is assigned to your job when you submit it.
To cancel a job, use the command:
qdel 12345
where 12345 is the job number assigned to your job.
To query the status of your submitted jobs, use the command:
or for further information
#!/bin/bash #$ -N test_sge #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.err #$ -q all.q ./my program myParam1 myParam2
#!/bin/bash #$ -N test_sge #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.err #$ -q all.q #$ -t 1-32 ## 32 tasks ./appli input$SGE_TASK_ID output$SGE_TASK_ID
#!/bin/bash #$ -N test_sge #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.err #$ -q all.q #$ -pe openmp 8 ## we request 8 cores export OMP_NUM_THREAD=$NSLOTS ## lancement de l'application ./appli input
#!/bin/bash #$ -N test_sge #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.err #$ -q parallel.q #$ -pe mpi 64 ### load MPI to use module load mpi/openmpi/icc/1.7.5 ## lancement de l'application mpirun -np $NSLOTS ./appli_mpi myparams
For further information about SGE visit this link
More information is available in this site (in french) or the FAQ section or you may wish to contact admins: