How to Run Abaqus on Mesocentre Cluster.
- Only DMA researchers are allowed to use Abaqus on the Mesocentre
- The license server is hosted at Femto-ST. Make sure you have access to it.
Interactive/Graphical mode
- Run the graphical interface a.k.a CAO.
- Post/pre processing
- Small Jobs run
We will use
. An interactive node shared by all users and not managed by SGE
- Connect to mesoshared.univ-fcomte.fr using x2go as explained here.
- Once connected, open terminal (Top menu: Applications→System Tools> Terminal
- Change directory to WORK: cd WORK (remember this is the Work space)
- Load abaqus module
$ module load abaqus
- Run CAE
$ abq2017 cae -mesa
This will open a Grapical window of abaqus/CAE.
On can also run Abaqus batch mode (command line) just for testing (for long computation thanks to use SGE, see bellow). For example:
$ module load intel # if we use ifort $ module load abaqus $ abq2017 job=nom_job interactive # for short job and testing purpose
Batch mode
- Run Abaqus solver on bacth mode using SGE
- Long run
- Multiprocessing run (SMP)
Here is an example of SGE script to adapt:
#!/bin/bash #$ -o $JOB_NAME.o$JOB_ID #$ -N job_abaqus_batch # modify me #$ -q all.q #$ -pe openmp 8 # modify me MAX=16 #$ -l h_vmem=4G # modify me module load abaqus module load intel # if we use ifort job=myjob # modify me abq2017 cpus=$NSLOTS job=$job interactive
- This script need to be saved in WORK directory
- It run Abaqus in one node using 8 cores and 8x4G of memory.
Submit the script by:
$ qsub script.sge
Check the execution by:
$ qstat
Abaqus only has 52 tokens. If the job does not find any tokens it ends up with errors. We are working to optimise this: queuing jobs until the tokens are available.