
The Ansys suite of programs can be used to numerically simulate a large variety of structural and fluid dynamics problems found in many engineering, physics, medical, aeronotics and automative industry applications.

  • 19.2b

Use the command

$ module avail ansys_inc

to show available versions.

This documentation covers only to ansys workbench!

Interactive or GUI interface

Connect to the interactive node mesoshared using X2GO as explained here.

Open a terminal and load the ansys_inc module:

$ module load ansys_inc/19.2b

You can then access to the all ansys software components, for example launcher, cfxsove.

To run ansys with grapical mode:

$ ansys192 -g

Batch mode

Batch mode will execute ansys in command line using Grid Engine batch scheduler.

Notice that jobs must be started within WORK directory.
Change directory to WORK before submitting jobs.
$ cd WORK

Parallel ansys using multi-core (1 node)

In this example we will execute ansys in parallel (shared memory) using 16 cores.

  • We request 16 cores (one can request from 1 to 16 cores. harware limitation)
  • We use default queue
  • We request 4G of memory by core i.e total 64G (the whole memory in the node).

Don't copy/past the code below. Download and save the file instead

#$ -N test_ansy
#$ -q all.q
#$ -pe openmp 16  ## we request 16 core # MAX is 16 (hardware limit)
#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out
#$ -l h_vmem=4G   ## we request 4G by core
## load ansys module
 module load ansys_inc/19.2b
## start application
ansys192 -np $NSLOTS -j inputansys23 < inputansys23.txt  >& inputansys23${JOB_ID}.out 
# delete rst files
rm *.rst

Submit the script to SGE :

$ qsub ansy.sge

Parallel ansys using MPI (distributred nodes)