The General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS) is a general ab initio quantum chemistry package.
Installed version
- GAMESS VERSION = 30 SEPT 2017 (R2) with MKL and OpenMPI
$ module avail gamess
By default GAMESS uses the current directory as scracth directory to store temporaries files.
You can change it by exporting the
environment variable.
Within SGE on can use $TMPDIR
for example
SGE Script
- gamess-sequentiel.sge
#!/bin/bash #$ -q parallel.q #$ -N gamess-testing #$ -pe mpi 32 ## load gamess module load gamess ## set SCRACTH DIR export GAMESS_SCR=$TMPDIR ## this will use exam12.inp as input and run with $NSLOTS mpi processes. ## Result will be copied back to exam12.dat rungms exam12.inp $NSLOTS
Example of input file
- exam12.inp
! EXAM 12. ! This job illustrates linear bends, for acetylene, and ! tests the closed shell LDA density functional program. ! ! At the input geometry, ! the FINAL E= -76.5352334525 after 15 iterations, ! and the RMS gradient is 0.0944557. ! ! At the optimized geometry, 5 steps later, ! the FINAL E= -76.5841347569, RMS gradient=0.0000007, ! R(CC)=1.21193 and R(CH)=1.07797. ! $CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF DFTTYP=SVWN RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE NZVAR=5 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=3 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 NDFUNC=1 $END $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END ! Note, this OPTTOL is smaller than the accuracy of the ! integration grid actually supports (see REFS.DOC) $STATPT OPTTOL=0.00001 $END $DATA Acetylene geometry optimization in internal coordinates Dnh 4 CARBON 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.70 HYDROGEN 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.78 $END $ZMAT IZMAT(1)=1,1,2, 1,1,3, 1,2,4, 5,1,2,4, 5,2,1,3 $END ------- XZ is 1st plane for both bends ------- $LIBE APTS(1)=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0 $END