JDFTx is a plane-wave density functional code designed for Joint Density Functional Theory (JDFT), a framework for ab initio calculations of electronic systems in contact with liquid environments.
Installed version
- 1.0.0 with OpenMPI with GCC and MKL
- 1.2.0 with OpenMPI with GCC and MKL
SGE script
#!/bin/bash #$ -q parallel.q #$ -pe mpi 16 #$ -V #$ -N jdftx_sge #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.err #### on charge le module module load jdftx ## lancement de l'application ### IMPORTANT la valeur de -c doit etre toujour egale a 1 mpirun -np $NSLOTS jdftx -c 1 -i input -o output