Monitoring and controlling your Jupyter session

If you want to see what Jupyter Notebooks and Terminals your Jupyter server is running :

  • Click the Home browser tab;
  • Click the Running browser tab.

If you want to stop your entire Jupyter server (i.e. end your JupyterHub session) :

  • Click Control Panel on the Home browser tab;
  • Click Stop My Server

Your JupyterHub session may terminate for some reasons:

  • The cluster’s job scheduler may stop your JupyterHub job if your Jupyter server exceeds the amount of RAM (4G/core)you requested via the Spawner Options page.
  • Your JupyterHub job has been running for longer than the (fixed) duration specified on the Spawner Options page (2H).

You can close your Jupyter-related browser tabs and your Jupyter session will keep running until it terminates for one of the reasons listed above.

If you leave your Jupyter session running and are not using it then you are using CPU cores, memory and possibly GPUs that cannot be used by others.

Please stop your Jupyter session if you no longer need it.