Molpro is a complete system of ab initio programs for molecular electronic structure calculations, designed and maintained by H.-J. Werner and P. J. Knowles, and containing contributions from a number of other authors. As distinct from other commonly used quantum chemistry packages, the emphasis is on highly accurate computations, with extensive treatment of the electron correlation problem through the multiconfiguration-reference CI, coupled cluster and associated methods. The recently developed explicitly correlated coupled-cluster methods yield CCSD(T) results with near basis set limit accuracy already with double-ζ or triple-ζ basis sets, thus reducing the computational effort for calculations of this quality by two orders of magnitude. Using local electron correlation methods, which significantly reduce the increase of the computational cost with molecular size, accurate ab initio calculations can be performed for much larger molecules than with most other programs. For more information click here.
Installed Versions
- molpro/mpp/2010.1 (Sequential & Multicore)
- molpro/intel/2010.1 (Parallel version compiled with Intel MPI)
- molpro/ompi/2010.1 (Parallel version compiled with Open MPI)
Using Molpro
SGE script example
MPP version
- molpro_mpp.sge
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -o $JOB_NAME.o$JOB_ID #$ -e $JOB_NAME.e$JOB_ID #$ -N MOLPRO # Queue utilisee #$ -q all.q #$ -pe openmp 8 #$ -V #$ -cwd export SCRATCH=$SCRATCH_DIR/$USER/$JOB_ID mkdir -p $SCRATCH molpro -d $SCRATCH -n $NSLOTS >& TS0avtz_cas+.out rm -rf $SCRATCH echo "Finished MOLPRO run at" `date`
Parallel version Open MPI
- molpro_mpp.sge
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -o $JOB_NAME.o$JOB_ID #$ -e $JOB_NAME.e$JOB_ID #$ -N MOLPRO # Queue utilisee #$ -q normal2h #$ -pe impi_robin 8 #$ -V #$ -cwd export SCRATCH=$SCRATCH_DIR/$USER/$JOB_ID mkdir -p $SCRATCH module load ompi module load molpro/ompi molpro -d $SCRATCH -n $NSLOTS <> OUT rm -rf $SCRATCH echo "Finished MOLPRO run at" `date`
Parallel version Intel MPI
- molpro_mpp.sge
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -o $JOB_NAME.o$JOB_ID #$ -e $JOB_NAME.e$JOB_ID #$ -N MOLPRO # Queue utilisee #$ -q normal2h #$ -pe intel_mpi_robin 16 #$ -V #$ -cwd export MPD_CON_EXT="sge_$JOB_ID.$SGE_TASK_ID" export SCRATCH=$SCRATCH_DIR/$USER/$JOB_ID mkdir -p $SCRATCH module load molpro/intel/2010.1 molpro -d $SCRATCH -n 2 >& TS0avtz_cas+.out rm -rf $SCRATCH echo "Finished MOLPRO run at" `date`
Parallel version on mesoseq cluster
- molpro_mesoseq.sge
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -V #$ -N test_molpro_mesoseq #$ -pe openmp 4 ## on demande 4 coeurs #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out ## lancement de l'application module load ompi module load molpro/ompi molpro -n 4 <>CH4.OUT