RAxML is a fast implementation of maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogeny estimation that operates on both nucleotide and protein sequence alignments."
Installed version
- 7.2.8 (MPI, OpenMP)
Using RAxML on Cluster
Shared memory (OpenMP)
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -N RAxML_test #$ -V #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -q all.q #$ -pe openmp 8 module load bio/raxml/7.2.8 raxmlHPC-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m GTRCAT -n test -s brown.phylip
Distributed memory MPI
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -q parallel.q #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -V #$ -N job_raxml_mpi #$ -pe mpi 32 module load bio/raxml/8.2.4 mpirun -np $NSLOTS raxmlHPC-MPI-SSE3 -m GTRCAT -n test -s brown.phylip