Ray is a parallel software that computes de novo genome assemblies with next-generation sequencing data.
Ray is written in C++ and can run in parallel on numerous interconnected computers using the message-passing interface (MPI) standard.
Installed version
This software is installed on lumière cluster: mesologin1.univ-fcomte.fr
- 2.3.1
check the installed version
module avail bio/ray bio/ray/2.3.1
Here is a an exmaple of SGE script:
#!/bin/bash -l #$ -q parallel.q #$ -V #$ -N test_sge #$ -pe mpi 16 ## on demande 16 coeurs #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out module load bio/ray mpirun -np $NSLOTS Ray -k 31 -p l1_1.fastq l1_2.fastq -p l2_1.fastq l2_2.fastq -o test