Salome Platform

SALOME is an open-source software that provides a generic platform for Pre- and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components. SALOME is a cross-platform solution. It is distributed as open-source software under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. You can download both the source code and the executables from this site.

  • SALOME can be used as standalone application for generation of CAD models, their preparation for numerical calculations and post-processing of the calculation results.
  • SALOME can also be used as a platform for integration of the external third-party numerical codes to produce a new application for the full life-cycle management of CAD models.

Version installée

  • 5.1.4


Utiliser mesosahred pour lancer Salome !

Charger le module salome

 $ module load salome/5.1.4

Charger les variables d'environnement

 $ source $SALOME_HOME/

Lancer salome :

