Towhee is a Monte Carlo molecular simulation code originally designed for the prediction of fluid phase equilibria using atom-based force fields and the Gibbs ensemble with particular attention paid to algorithms addressing molecule conformation sampling. The code has subsequently been extended to several ensembles, many different force fields, and solid (or at least porous) phases.
Installed version
- Cluster: Lumière
- 7.2.0
- MPI/Sequential version
MPI version
$ module load towhee/mpi
Sequential version
$ module load towhee/seq
ForceFields data
ForceFields data are located in /Softs/lumiere/towhee/7.2.0/data/ForceFields
SGE script example
- towhee-mpi.sge
#!/bin/bash #$ -V #$ -N towhee_sge #$ -cwd #$ -q parallel.q #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -l h_vmem=2G #$ -pe mpi 32 module load towhee/mpi mpirun -np $NSLOTS towhee towhee_parallel > towhee_output
- towhee-seq.sge
#!/bin/bash #$ -V #$ -N towhee_sge #$ -cwd #$ -q all.q #$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -l h_vmem=2G #$ -t 1-100 module load towhee/seq towhee towhee-input$SGE_TASK_ID > towhee_output$SGE_TASK_ID