Using VPN client

This documentation shows how to use VPN client (shrew software) to connect to the University networks.

Download and install shrew client from
You can also install directly from your distro depot.

For ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install ike ike-qtgui

First, we need to start 2 commands :

  • Run the VPN services iked
$ sudo iked
  • Run the graphical VPN client qikea
$ qikea

This will open a graphical Window (see below).

Windows users, just run shrew client

Th next step is to import and use your VPN certificate

  1. Click file and then import menu item
  2. Browse and select your Certificate file
  3. Click connect a new window pop-up appears, you need to give your ENT user name (not the mesocentre login) and your ENT password. Please notice that the username MUST be concatenated with @ufc string. For example my user name is kmazouzi I'll use kmazouzi@ufc
  4. If we successfully connected, on can see this, tunnel enabled:

At this point, your are connected to the university networks.

You can connect to the cluster as usual by using ssh, x2go, sftp, …

We can check if the VPN Work by visiting the mesocentre wiki :

That's all 8-)