
Installed version

  • 8.5
$ module avail Zebulon

Using Zebulon on MesoFC

  1. Connect to the interactive node i.e mesoshared.univ-fcomte.fr
  2. Open a Terminal and the load the software using the module command:
    $ module load  Zebulon/8.5
  3. At this point you can access to all Zebelon's programs and scripts, for example:
$ Zrun -h
Zrun version 8.5 - Run the Zebulon FEM etc program 
Options available:
   -db        Run in debugger (gdb only)
   -g         Run debugger version 
   -h         help 
   -l         Large exe (v6.0 only) 
   -monitor   Monitor memory use (Linux only) 
   -limit <t> Limit job CPU time to t seconds (some platforms)
   -old       Old version (ok for harmonic) 
   -v6        Run version 6.0
   -vg        Run the debug version under ValGrind supervision
   -vk        Run the debug version under ValKyrie supervision
   -itc       Run the debug version under Intel Thread Checker supervision
   -zbb       Use the ZeBaBa library 

Sequential Execution

Connect and submit job from: mesologin1.univ-fcomte.fr

#!/bin/bash -l
#$ -V  ## export ENV
#$ -N test_zebulon  ## Script Name
#$ -cwd   ## go to Wroking directory
#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out  ## Default sdtout
#$ -lh_vmem=2G    ## Use 2G/core     
module load Zebulon/8.5
Zrun berkovich.inp

Submit to SGE:

qsub zebulon.sge

Parallel Execution (SMP)

#!/bin/bash -l
#$ -V
#$ -N test_zebulon
#$ -cwd
#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out
#$ -pe openmp 8 ## request 8 cores   
#$  -l l_vmem=2G  ##request 1G/core 
module load Zebulon/8.5
Zrun -smp $NSLOTS berkovich.inp

Submit to SGE:

qsub zebulon.sge
